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+91 9334465101



Benedication Project LLP is the genuine Karanji Supplier in Ranchi. Our Forest products are formulated with the finest ingredients for healthy crop growth. Each product is endowed with the right content of nutrients, minerals, and organic compounds that different crops need at various seasons. Knowing that plants have different requirements, we are at challenges. Whether during the planting season, increasing resilience to pests and diseases, or enhancing yield in the harvest season, our products are engineered to deliver specialized support.

We are the superior Karanji Exporters from Jharkhand. With years of experience in the agricultural sector, we have put a lot of knowledge and experience into developing our products. Our R&D team never stops improving with new solutions to meet the changing needs of contemporary agriculture.

Name of the Commodity : Karanja
Botanical Name : Pongamia pinnata Perre
Family: Legumes Commonly known as the legume, pea, or bean family, are a large and agriculturally important family of flowering plants. It includes trees, shrubs, and perennial or annual herbaceous plants, which are easily recognized by their fruit and their compound, stipulate leaves.
  Trade : Poonga   English : Indian Beach
  Andhra Pradesh : Gaanug, Pungu   Karnataka : Honge, Huligili, Batti, Uggemara
  Kerala : Minnari, Punnu   Tamil Nadu :Pongam, Ponga
  Orissa : Koronjo-Kanga   West Bengal : Dalkaramcha
  Haryana, M.P, Maharashtra : Karanja,    Karanj   Gujarat, U.P., Rajasthan, Punjab :   Sukhchain, Karanj, Papri
  Assam : Karchaw  

Karanja is a drought resistant semi-deciduous nitrogen fixing leguminous tree. A medium sized glabrous tree with a short bole and spreading crown upto 18 feet high or some times even more and 1.5 feet in girth, bark grayish green or brown.

Parts Used
Seeds, Stem, Leaves, Fruit, Root. Seed is valued for production of Oil
  • The main use of Karanja Oil is in the tanning industry for dressing of E.I. leathers.

  • The Karanja Oil is mainly used as a raw material for manufacturing of washing soaps, candles and for illumination purposes. The main constraints for usage of karnanja oil in soaps are its colour and odour.

  • The oil has been known for its curative effect for skin problems such as herpes, leucoderma, psoriasis, scabies and skin itches. The root is ground with water and is used for cure of wounds.

  • In village, where this tree is common, the leaves are used for storing grains, books and clothes to prevent from insect damage.

  • The oil also find use in treatment of skin diseases locally.

  • Cake is rich in protein(30-35%) but it is unpalatable and toxic to cattle even at 4% level due to presence of several toxic principles(karanjin,pongamol etc.). These toxins are oil soluble and most of the toxin are removed during solvent extraction of oil from cake with hexane. Therefore, de-oiled cakes could be used in compound cattle feed.

  • The cake contains nitrogen(N) 5.1%, phosphorous( P 2 O 5) 1.1% and potash ( K 2 0) 1.3.% and has been reported as a useful organic manure for sugarcane, coffee, oranges and paddy. It repeals red ants and also reported effective for nematode controls. It also possess nitrification inhibition property and cake is used in blending with nitrogenous fertilizers.

  • Oleic acid is the principal unsaturated fatty acid averaging 45 to 70% of all the commercially available oils from Tree Borne Oil Seeds like Neem and Sal, Karanja containing maximum oleic acid, is a valuable raw material for oleic acid derived oleo chemicals apart from other traditional uses.

  • The oil can be used after neutralization as a lubricant for heavy lathes, chains, bearings of small gas engines and heavy engines.

  • The oil and its active component karanja possess insecticidal and antibacterial properties, 2% karanja oil resin soap spray is reported to be effective against the nymph and adult stages of the green bug of coffee.

The total estimated potential of Karnaja Seed is 2.00 lakh MT per annum.
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